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hair loss, nashville, hair loss nashville, laser hair, laser hair growth, hair growth, scalp diseases
hair loss, nashville, hair loss nashville, laser hair, laser hair growth, hair growth, scalp diseases
hair loss, nashville, hair loss nashville, laser hair, laser hair growth, hair growth, scalp diseases
hair loss, nashville, hair loss nashville, laser hair, laser hair growth, hair growth, scalp diseases
hair loss, nashville, hair loss nashville, laser hair, laser hair growth, hair growth, scalp diseases
hair loss, nashville, hair loss nashville, laser hair, laser hair growth, hair growth, scalp disease

Have a question that isn't answered here? Please type it in below! Our designated medical professionals will be sure to answer your question in a timely manner. Your question will also then be added to our database of questions to help assist others, unless otherwise specified. (Your identity and any private information will be kept completely private, and will not be sold to any third party).

Who is the consultant who first evaluates and explains what type of hair problems I have?
Sheryl McCaleb or one of her assistants is the person who initially evaluates your hair problems.  She will explain what type of hair problem you have and what services are available to get the best cosmetic and long term results. Your hair problem may have a simple solution or be a complex problem requiring medical evaluation. It is critical to have Sheryl, an experienced hair care professional, to evaluate your hair problems.
What are the qualifications of the HSI doctors or nurses that diagnose and treat my hair problems?
All HSI doctors are board certified dermatologists and the nurses are nurse practitioners or specially trained RNs.

Who supervises the medical treatment of hair loss NOT due to Pattern Hair Loss?
Dr. David Horowitz, a dermatologist very experienced in treating all types of hair loss will supervise treatment. If additional evaluation of your hair problems is needed, you will be referred to a consulting alopecia specialist.

What types of hair problems does HSI treat?
We evaluate and treat ALL types of hair problems, but we do not perform hair transplants.
What kinds of treatments does HSI provide?
HSI has two FDA-approved lasers that are non-drug, non-invasive medical treatment options for pattern baldness. We also provide a variety of medical treatments, scalp debridement, hair prosthetics/wigs and an assortment of products and supplements.

How much does a hair loss consultation cost?
The initial consultation with scalp examination is FREE.

Are any of the HSI treatments for hair loss paid for by my insurance?
If female or male hormone hair loss is your only problem, they are almost always NOT covered. If you have scalp inflammation or other specific scalp conditions, your hair treatments MAY be covered. Many forms of scarring/permanent hair loss ARE covered by insurers if they involve other body sites.

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hair loss, nashville, hair loss nashville, laser hair, laser hair growth, hair growth, scalp diseases
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